Welcome to my website! Here are the materials for my job talk on Friday, January 29, 2021.
View or download my full CV.
Talk Slide Deck Deck [link]

Teaching Materials
ENGL 306 (Introduction to Professional Writing)
Introduction to Professional Writing (ENGL 306) is a core course for students in the professional writing major and minor at Purdue University. When teaching this course in Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, I created a series of modules that offered students a “smorgasbord” of genres and practices that they might encounter in the workplace: web content development, media relations, technical documentation, and more. Introducing students to the wide range of careers available to them in professional writing, helping them develop a rhetorical and methodological toolkit to work towards their professional goals, and empowering them to share their expertise with their growing network of peers are all areas that I especially enjoy.
- Syllabus
- Course Calendar
- Module 1: Communications Audit
- Module 2: Media Kit
- Module 3: Documentation
- Module 4: Informational Interview Website
- Module 5: Employment Portfolio
ENGL 421-DIST (Technical Writing Online)
Technical Writing (ENGL 421) is a course required for students in engineering, technology, computer science, and agriculture programs at Purdue University. When teaching the course online in Summer 2020, I designed scenarios around the majors and programs of the students enrolled in my section; a practice that I plan to continue in future service courses.
- Syllabus
- Course Calendar
- Project 1: Correspondence
- Project 2: Group Proposal
- Project 3: Documentation
- Project 4: Technical Description
Additional Materials
My work designing ENGL 106Y, Purdue’s first ever online introductory composition course, shows my teaching and administrative expertise. In addition to designing the curriculum and building standardized course shells, I also trained writing instructors (graduate teaching assistants and lecturers) in online writing pedagogy and teaching with technology.
My 2018 Computers & Writing presentation (paper available here) describes the development of ENGL 106Y, as well as next steps.
The modular grid approach for course projects, designed to give instructors the opportunity to mix and match student deliverables while still meeting the programmatic learning outcomes, is the subject of a chapter in the new WAC Clearinghouse edited collection, PARS in Practice: More Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors. The entire book is available for download for free on the WAC Clearinghouse website.
Additional information on my research and teaching, as well as sample documents, are available via the top navigation.